Engine Rebuild
After I had fitted the brake piping and
hoses to the chassis as far as I could without the body tub, I turned my
attention to the engine. Although it had been cleaned as previously
described, it took a lot of work on the bench with cloths, brushes,
(including a handy toothbrush), and scrapers, to get it really clean.
I then completely dismantled it and inspected it carefully.
The cylinder bores were smooth but
were also showing signs of wear. As the valve spindles in the
Pinto engine slide in the cast iron of the block , they were also
showing wear. This model and year, however, was fitted with valve
seating inserts so the engine will be OK with unleaded fuel.
As the donor car had done 90,000 miles, I
was not surprised to find some wear in the camshaft centre bearing. The
cams had also worn to the point that the case hardening was nearly
through in places.


As I was
spending a lot of time effort and money on the whole project.
I decided
to have the engine refurbished by a local engine specialist as follows:- |
New camshaft, bearings, followers, and


Cylinder rebore, new pistons, and gudgeon pins.---Crankshaft polished, new
seals.--Valve spindle sleeves.--Cylinder head and block ground.
Once I
had this done I re-assembled the engine and painted it as I went along.
The gearbox is too complicated for non- professional strip and re-build,
so I'm hoping for the best and have just cleaned and painted it. Before
assembling it to the engine however I fitted a new clutch plate.
the assembly was complete we managed to sling the engine on our engine
crane so that it went in over the chassis fairly easily.
We had drilled
out the rivets that held the gearbox bracket to the formed sierra
mounting and we attached this to the gear box before clamping it in
place temporarily (over) the chassis mounting plates.
The engine and
gearbox assembly was then moved sufficiently to allow the mounting bolt
holes to be drilled through the bracket using it as a template.
It is only the centre part of the sierra gearbox
mounting plate that is used.
bracket was then bolted in place (under) the mounting plates before the
complete assembly including engine, gearbox, and drive shaft, was
finally bolted down.
The Engine finally in place. |
Fitting the CBU is next.