Any hints and tips I can find to help you. They
come in random order as I remember them. If you know of any Please
E-Mail me.
Build Manual
When you order you kit buy the build manual and anything you are
unsure of can be explained to you by JBA when you collect your
Top Tip
If you are not sure about being able to
polish the Radiator surround and Windscreen Frame. Have It
done By JBA. Ask when you order your kit.
Details on JBA Information Page.
Save on Spare Parts 1.
If the firm you work for has their own vehicle
fleet and the fleet is maintained in your company's workshops Ask your
mechanic to order your parts. He will get them cheaper than your company
Here is how it works your company
gets a discount on the goods they buy the more they buy the bigger the
discount. The firm supplying them wants your firms business and they want
to keep it. So they keep in with the mechanic, fleet engineer or stores
person and allow him maximum discount on parts for his own
Save on Spare Parts
2. Join a Local Kit Car Club. They will
know of many places in your area for the best prices.

Windscreen Glass Don't use your
glass when fitting or lining up your windscreen. As it is so easy to
crack the glass.
Instead have a wooden template made of
your glass same thickness and same measurements.
Use this and it will save you a lot of worry
and expense.
Interior Door Panels
A novel way to fit them instead of using
screws. Stick "Velcro" to the doors and also on the rear of the
panels and marry them up. Really professional looking. Thanks to Bernard
Plywood Bonnet Support Panel
You can cover up the
wood with fibreglass, sand it down and paint it to match your car.
Gives a nice professional look to your car. Alternatively you can use
aluminium. A tip from Mike Cushley.
Pop Rivets When using standard pop rivets on fibreglass
place a washer behind the rivet. Helps to spread the load and gives a more
secure fixing. There are also special pop rivets for
fibreglass. Tip from Tam Thomson our resident McComic sorry
Fuse & Glove
Box Where to fit your
Fuse Box and have a larger Glove Box. If you fit your fuse box on the
front of the bulkhead in the engine bay below the battery box. This gives
you more room to have a larger glove box. Plus your fuse box is very easy
to get to. A tip from Nelson Atkinson.
Glove Box What to use when making a glove box. Try a Really
Strong ice cream tub or a strong tupperware type of tub. (The ones
your good lady uses, she won't miss one. Ha Ha!) Paint the outside
of it and line the inside. Secure to the rear of the
Dashboard. A tip I received from John Skillen.
Rubber Backing Use rubber behind various bits on your car where
metal meets fibreglass. Get an old inner tube from a commercial tyre depot
such as National Tyres. ATS. Motorway Tyres. These inner tubes are still
used on Plant machinery Fork Lifts, JCB's etc.
Tank Straps
Always fit rubber or plastic backing underneath
Tank Straps or on the Petrol Tank where it sits or comes into contact with
metal. You can see this if you look at lorry fuel tanks. Otherwise the
tank will hole eventually through vibration.
Wiper Blades
Try the sweep of the wiper blades with the hood
erected to make sure the blades do not hit the hood.
Curves To get the Top Bonnet
skins to follow the curve of the CBU. Mike used a plastic file
handle as a rolling pin exerting gentle pressure time and time again to
get the bonnet curves to match. A tip from Mike Cushley.
Wheels Mangel
Lost your key. Make a replacement
key. The key is in three parts.
The Barrel is round and solid, it is one and a
half inches long and 5/8ths.of an inch wide. The Rod
is round and is 4 and 3/4 inches long with one end
shaped as a plain screwdriver. A Nut 10 mm.
Drill a hole through the barrel. Then insert the
rod and spot weld.
Weld a plain 10 mm Nut on the
What to use for the Rod.........An old plain
Mangel Caps Wire
Mangel Caps are avaiable at £7.95p.each inc.
vat. Wire Baskets at £34.00p.each inc.vat.
Raceways of Donnington Museum
Foyer, Donnington Park RaceCicuit, Castle Donnington nr. Derby
DE74-2RP. Tel:- 01332 812353. A tip I found and checked out
by Stuart Kelly.
Can't Get
This sometimes happens to people,
who have laid up their cars during the winter and when Spring comes the
car won't go into gear with the engine running. Don't Panic! All that's happened is the clutch plate
has rusted to the flywheel, usually because of dampness. The cure is to
warm up the engine to normal temperature (with the garage doors open) and
when warm, switch off the engine and push the car out into the street,
pick a very quiet
time. Next put your car into 1st.Gear
and with the handbrake off, and keep the clutch pedal depressed, start
your engine and your car will start to move, try accelerating and
decelerating rapidly, in short bursts. ( as if you were using Kangaroo
petrol ) and your clutch plate will free itself in a short distance. About
50 feet or so. Remember take
extreme care, regarding other road users, when doing this.
A Tip from Tam Thomson our resident
McComic, sorry Tam, resident Mechanic.
SVA Tips
Vehicles must have a full tank of fuel for the test.
Arrive for the test early. The examination will start before
the allotted
time if examiners become free, thus making more time available for
while you "rework" a possible failed item.
Take a selection of hand tools with you. The inspectors do not
carry out repairs, but may allow you to reposition a wire or pipe
etc. A Tip from Dave Tennant. |